A product’s first impression is its packaging

Increase customer satisfaction with an On Demand Packaging® solution from Packsize.
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A custom Packsize box resting on the doorstep of a satisfied customer.

Bad packaging can lead to a frustration-filled experience

For a lot of companies, packaging is treated as an afterthought. Getting packages out the door as quickly as possible often leads to problems: packages shipped in boxes too large and with too many components, or packaging that is simply too frustrating to open.

A photo of a poorly packaged box with a broken glass vase.

Packsize simplifies your packaging design

A photo of t-shirts packaged in a right-sized box with no wasted space.

Right-sized Packaging on Demand® makes it possible to right-size every product for every shipment.

An On Demand Packaging® solution makes it possible to create a right-sized boxes for every shipment. By shipping the right-sized box, eliminate unnecessary void fill, leaving your customers with less packaging waste to throw away. This means your customers no longer carry the extra burden of disposing of the extra packaging.

Frustration Free Packaging Certification

Packsize has a custom packaging design team focused on solving unique packaging problems. This team is happy to collaborate with your company to help you obtain an Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Certification or pass ISTA testing.

A photo of two employees using the touch screen interface on a Packsize machine.

Easy open boxes

Packsize’s newest generation of automated machinery creates ready-to-ship boxes that don’t require packing tape and can be easily popped open for the ultimate frustration-free packaging experience.

Make everyone happy

Reduce waste

Remove unsustainable void filler waste and reduce the packaging material used.

Tackle your top customer complaint

Customers hate bad packaging—give them a good first impression!

Increase sustainability

Make your packaging easily recyclable.

“We clearly saw customer satisfaction metrics rise significantly.”

By producing custom-sized boxes for each order, Staples reduced the number of air pillows they used by 60% and the size of their boxes by 20%. This resulted in an estimated annual carbon footprint reduction of 30,200 tons, equivalent to 120,000 trees.

A photo of a pallet full of boxes that have not been right-sized and contain wasted space.A photo of a shipping pallet of right-sized boxes from Staples. Note the extra space (and cost) saved.
A photo of employees working with Packsize solutions while working at Bongo International.
Implementing the Packsize system has provided more value to our customers by speeding up our shipment process, reducing the need for filler material, customizing each package size and reducing international shipping costs.
Craig Turnbull
Bongo International
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
A man stands in front of Packsize corrugated cardboard at Autoparts Tracto.
Thanks to Packsize, we have been able to increase the speed and availability of our boxes, which has translated to a reduction in box inventory. Packsize has also allowed us to become a more sustainably responsible company, while reducing packaging costs, lost inventory, and packaging waste.
Jose Calderon
Purchasing Manager
Autopartes Tracto de México
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →

Care. Protect. Impress.

Benefit from Packsize’s smarter packaging commitment and long-standing industry expertise. Request a Packsize analysis today.