September 27, 2024

Estimated reading time: 4 Minutes

Transport packaging ensures that goods reach the customer undamaged by providing protection during the shipping process via additional packaging. On the other hand, more boxes cause more waste. That’s why the European Union wants to make a change; an EU regulation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR) is on its way. The new regulation has not yet taken full effect, but it is already clear that it will have a significant impact on shipping cartons in the EU. What are the specifics of the new PPWR packaging regulation and what does it mean for your company? Here is a brief overview along with information on how right-sized packaging can help to reduce the empty volume of your boxes.

PPWR: Packsize Core Values: Innovate passionately & Drive sustainability
Packsize Core Values: Innovate passionately & drive sustainability

Background and Purpose - What you should know about the PPWR

The European Union's new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is set to significantly change the packaging landscape. Designed to minimize packaging waste and promote sustainability, this legislation addresses the issue of oversized packaging and reducing packaging waste. The European Parliament voted in favour of PPWR in April 2024.

The Legislative ddresses 

  • Oversized packaging
  • Excessive use of virgin materials
  • Lack of adequate recycling targets and infrastructure
  • Constant growth of generated packaging waste per person

Four Objectives of the PPWR

The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) has several key objectives aimed at environmental and sustainability challenges:

  • The transition to a circular economy and climate neutrality by 2050
  • Packaging waste reduction
  • The use of only recyclable packaging materials
  • Reuse and refill of packaging (cardboard exempted)

When the regulation takes full effect (presumably in early 2025) all “economic operators” need to act swiftly and holistically; sticking with the status quo will no longer be an option, and more sustainable packaging solutions will become mandatory. The regulation aims to streamline recycling processes and reduce environmental impact. For companies, this means rethinking packaging strategies, investing in eco-friendly materials, and ensuring compliance to avoid penalties.

When does the PPWR take full effect? The legislative roadmap

Timeline that describes when the PPWR takes effect - Packsize
PPWR - Key deadlines

Main Requirements of the PPWR

Packsize image of boxes that explains the PPWR Packaging minimisation and size reduction according to articles 10, 24.
PPWR Packaging minimization, size reduction (Articles 10, 24)

Packaging minimization, size reduction (Articles 10, 24)

  • Packaging must be designed / reduced to minimum in terms of volume and weight
  • From 2030, the empty space ratio of any packaging needs to no more than 50%
  • Calculation methodology of ratio, documentationto be defined in implementing acts
  • Applies to grouped packaging, transport packaging & e-commerce packaging

Packsize image that explains the PPWR Packaging waste prevention according to Article 43.
PPWR Packaging waste prevention (Article 43)

Packaging waste prevention (Article 43)

  • Each EU Member State required to reduce packaging waste per capita compared to 2018. The targets are:
  • 5 % by 2030
  • 10 % by 2035
  • 15 % by 2040

Recyclable packaging (Article 6)

  • Defined targets for minimum recycled content in plastic packaging / any plastic part of packaging sold (Article 7)
  • All packaging sold must be recyclable, including B2B packaging and eCommerce packaging

Reusable packaging (cardboard and paper exempted) (Articles 11, 26, 29)

  • Ban of single use plastic packaging formats
  • Ban of lightweight plastic carrier bags
  • Reusable packaging must be designed on conditions such as multiple reuse, health, safety, and hygiene
  • Operators need to ensure compliant systems for re-use and incentivize the collection of reusable material
  • 40 % of transport packaging such as pallets, boxes, trays etc. need to within a re-use system, by 2030  
  • From 2040 onward, 70 % of such items need to be reuseable

Packsize empty space box metric.
Right-sized packaging with Packsize

Conclusion: What PPWR means for your company & How Packsize can help

The PPWR is a pivotal step towards a sustainable future, but its ambiguities present challenges for businesses. Clear guidelines on quota, measurements, implementation dates, labeling standards, and recyclable materials are still pending. Companies should stay informed, engage in consultations with industry experts, and develop flexible compliance plans. Investing in sustainable packaging solutions and seeking expert guidance will ensure smooth adaptation. Embracing these changes not only ensures compliance but also enhances brand reputation and appeals to eco-conscious consumers. By proactively addressing these challenges, businesses can turn regulatory compliance into a competitive advantage and contribute to a greener economy.

Packsize  is developing a deep understanding of the regulation to create a roadmap for future action and be a trusted advisor. With us, you can learn more about how On Demand Packaging® can be a strategy to deliver more sustainable and right-sized packaging while also becoming "EU compliant". Stay up to date with us and find out what's new in PPWR.

Contact us today for a personalized analysis of your logistic processes and find out here what differentiates us from the competition and why Packsize is is a good choice to be your partner in packaging.

PPWR box sizes: An example of a typical Staples shipping pallet before (and after) Packsize optimization
An example of a typical Staples shipping pallet before (and after) Packsize optimization

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